Code.talks | Microservices nightmare: When ‘evolution’ becomes escalation | 19. and 20.09.
in Hamburg

Speaker: BAYOOTEC Senior Software Architect Beatrice Mende


Code.talks | Microservices nightmare: When ‘evolution’ becomes escalation | 19. and 20.09. in Hamburg

Speaker: BAYOOTEC Senior Software Architect Beatrice Mende

The introduction of microservices: Opportunities and challenges

code.talks is one of the largest and most renowned conferences for developers and IT professionals in Europe.
With numerous presentations and workshops, it offers an ideal platform for exchanging knowledge and experience.
Meet experts from the industry and learn from the best – including Beatrice Mende from BAYOOTEC. In her talk, Beatrice talks about how microservices have revolutionized software architecture and the challenges this nonetheless entails. She sheds light on the unforeseen complexities that come with the introduction of microservices – from development to deployment and maintenance.

BAYOOTEC Team - Beatrice Mende, Software Architect

The talk will be held on Thursday, 19.09. at 4:00 pm, you can find more information here:

Everyday project work and microservices: A field report

Beatrice will use concrete examples from everyday project work to explain how the implementation of microservices can lead to teams being overloaded if communication and coordination between the services is not optimally organized.
She will show how quickly the advantages of microservices can be overshadowed by their disadvantages if the nature of this architecture is not properly practiced from the outset.

Alternatives to microservices: At which point it makes sense to say “no”

The introduction of microservices is not always the best choice.
In her talk, Beatrice will also discuss when it is better to pursue alternative approaches and when it is appropriate to say “no” to microservices with confidence.
She will share other best practices and architectural styles that can also lead to success.

About Beatrice Mende

Beatrice Mende is an experienced expert in the field of .NET development and has technically managed numerous projects in the business intelligence and e-commerce sector since joining BAYOOTEC in 2015.
In her role as Senior Software Architect, her focus is on analyzing complex customer requirements and developing tailor-made, technically mature solutions in the enterprise sector.
With her in-depth knowledge and practice-oriented approach, she proves time and again that innovative and dynamic approaches are the foundation of successful software architectures.

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BAYOOTEC - Softwareentwicklung von Enterprise Software
BAYOOTEC - Softwareentwicklung von Enterprise Software