
Which CMS is the right one for organizations?

How to make the right choice


Which CMS is the right one for me?

How to make the right choice

Content management systems have developed in an amazing way. While they were initially largely designed for the creation and maintenance of websites, their range of functions has expanded considerably. In the meantime, they often serve as all-rounders for content and its various channels such as websites, social media, newsletters, blogs or podcasts. They should also be e-commerce-capable, i.e. be able to integrate stores, and offer interfaces to other core systems such as CRM, DMS, HR tools or ERP.

It is estimated that there are now over 250 providers on the market. This diversity is precisely what makes it so difficult for organizations to choose the right CMS/DXP. The range extends from straightforward blog construction kits to comprehensive enterprise systems. Our whitepaper helps you find the right CMS for your organization.

The various benefits of a suitable CMS

A modern CMS/DXP offers a number of advantages. However, you can only make the most of these benefits if you have found and use a CMS that suits your requirements.

How do organizations decide on the right CMS?

CMS/DXP is generally used for three fields of application. The selection should be based on which of the areas mentioned below is the main focus or whether the CMS should cover all fields well.

  • Web content management
  • Blog Publishing/News
  • Social Communities und Publishing
  • Shop und E-Commerce Content

In addition, you have to decide whether to use open source or enterprise software. Every organization has its own individual needs and has to decide according to its specific requirements.

Basically, it is worth taking a closer look. In the end, this is also easy on the wallet, as companies don’t pay for functions that they don’t even use.

In our whitepaper you will also find a checklist of things to consider when choosing a CMS/DXP.

You can find out more in our whitepaper

  • Introduction to the topic
  • Requirements for a CMS/DXP
  • The benefits of a CMS
  • Enterprise vs. Open Source
  • Backend with or without frontend
  • Data analysis for a better customer experience – CMS or DXP
  • Expandable, scalable and integrable?
  • A closer look is good for the budget
  • Checklist and questions for selecting a CMS
  • Other important aspects
  • A final recommendation
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Unser CMS Whitepaper "Die Qual der Wahl - Welches CMS ist das richtige für mich?"

Download our whitepaper now

An effective content management system is the centerpiece of your digital identity. It significantly influences your ability to manage, scale and seamlessly integrate content into the IT infrastructure. Our whitepaper “How to make the right choice – Which CMS is the right one for me?” offers valuable insights, selection criteria and best practices to help you make an well-informed decision.

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